I love coffee. The first thing I do in the darkness of the morning is make a cup and sit quietly to begin the day. Just the smell of coffee brewing makes me happy. That first cup is my moment to transition from rest to begin my day. It’s a time to meditate and pray,…

A 50-year-old female comes to my office with a 10-year-history of major depression. She is chronically depressed and doesn’t  feel medication is that helpful. She wants to explore other ways to feel better. In fact, there are around 37 different antidepressants used in the United States and they don’t work for everyone. Furthermore, it is…

This week is National Eating Disorders Awareness Week (NEDA). I spent most of my clinical practice treating women and men with eating disorders so am very familiar with the struggles involved in getting help. It is a hard psychiatric condition from which to break free. And the impact on a person’s physical, emotional, relational and…

If there is one thing we love about the holidays, it is the food. If there is one thing we hate about the holidays, it is the potential weight gain. So how concerned should we be and what do we need to know? Truth is, we do tend to gain weight during the holidays. Now,…

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