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5 Proactive Steps to Get Rid of Job Worry
Linda Mintle
Downsizing, added work loads, difficult co-workers, budget cuts and poor leadership can cause even the calmest person to worry on the job. On way to deal with stress and job worries is to control the things you can and trust God for the rest. Here are 5 proactive steps you can take in order to get…
Hair Raising: Kids Getting Bikini Waxes
Linda Mintle
When the New York Post reported that 14-year-old Glynis Coyne has been getting her legs waxed since she was eight years old, I just gasped. Apparently, I am not up on the trend–hair removal for prepubescent girls! Instead of a trip to the candy store, a growing number of moms choose spa visits. The menu…
10 Reasons Couples Therapy Needs a Spiritual Base
Linda Mintle
Let’s say your marriage is hurting and you know you need help. If you are a Christian couple, does it matter who you see and what approach the person uses to help you? Absolutely. So much of couples therapy is based on a secular humanistic approach and not on the truths of Christianity. Here is…
Health Worries? The Internet a Blessings and a Curse!
Linda Mintle
So I am reading the morning paper, enjoying my coffee, when I come across a small article tucked in the health and wellness section of the Wall Street Journal. According to research in a British journal, calcium supplements, typically used to prevent osteoporosis, now appear to increase the risk for heart attack. Great! I put down the…
10 Ways to Help Your Child With Nightmares
Linda Mintle
Sarah sat up in bed and began to cry. Another nightmare woke her from a deep sleep. Between the ages of three and six, nightmares occur for two developmental reasons: 1) Fears begin to develop 2) A child’s imagination is very active. Being overly tired, getting irregular sleep, dealing with stress and anxiety all increase…
Teen Health Risk Report Card: How Does Your Teen Fare?
Linda Mintle
A new government survey on teens and health risk behaviors has been released by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. The Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS) looks at six types of health risk behaviors that contribute to leading causes of death and disability. The National Risk Behavior Survey was given to over 13,000…
Commercials That Empower Girls: Much Ado About Nothing
Linda Mintle
Have you noticed the trend? Companies trying to sell us hair and feminine products, soap and make-up are targeting girls with messages of empowerment. Stop being weak, telling people you are sorry and wallowing in low self-esteem! #GirlsCan! First it was Dove’s Real Beauty campaign, then the Pantene video told women to stop saying we are sorry, and now…
The HOT Trend that Could Be Deadly: Size Triple O Jeans
Linda Mintle
I was listening to the news and heard a story about the latest fashion fad–triple O jeans. Yes, you read that right OOO! I didn’t even know there was such a size. And frankly, that size should be in the children’s department. According to the Fox News reporter, the average waist size of someone who fits…
Smoking Anything Isn’t Good For You
Linda Mintle
With the rise of hookah bars, teens tend to think that this trend is a safer alternative to smoking cigarettes. This simply isn’t true. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention is warning us that smoking anything increases our risk for certain cancers. Even a single evening of smoking hookah can significantly increase carcinogen exposure…
High Conflict at Home? How You Are Hurting Your Kids
Linda Mintle
It’s a typical Friday night and mom and dad are at it again. Little Jill covers her ears. Billy runs under the table and tries to hide and Angie cries. The kids are stressed and can’t take their parents constant fighting. All that stress is physical and emotionally hurting them. Their heart rates beat faster.…
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