Doing Life Together

The Barna Group surveyed American moms in their FRAMES project and discovered both positive and negative influences of social media on how moms feel about themselves. We all know that  social media can certainly make someone look better than perhaps she is, but that knowledge doesn’t stop us from comparing ourselves to others. And even…

It’s 6 a.m. You begin your day with two cups of coffee, feed the kids, and grab a granola bar as you run out the door to meet the school bus. Then you make a mad rush to do errands. By 10 a.m., your blood sugar is dropping so you stop by 7-11 and grab…

In the past few years we have heard about the benefits of having a little alcohol (e.g., red wine), but a new report says the downside of alcohol outweighs the benefits. And certainly we know how easily alcohol can be abused. But you may be surprised to hear about the link of alcohol usage to…

We all have that one or two people in our lives that are hard to live with or obnoxious to be around. You know, the person who growls when any little thing goes wrong, or maintains a frown when people are laughing. You just want to shake him/her and say, “Come on, lighten up and…

In recent months, the debate concerning the harm of marijuana has been in full force. Our own President insisted that smoking pot was no worse than alcohol. But the science, not the opinions of many, of marijuana use is proving otherwise. Consider a new study conducted at Northwestern University in collaboration with Harvard Medical School…

The last thing you will hear from me, an eating disorders specialist, is to grab some food when you are angry. This is exactly what I help people NOT do –eat when they are emotional. So many of us channel our emotions into our food and find ourselves medicating those negative emotions with something good…

Tori Spelling, former Beverly Hills 90210 TV actress and daughter of well known television and film producer, Aaron Spelling, takes her broken heart to reality TV.  After seven years of marriage and four children, Tori is telling all in her new series entitled, True Tori. The premise of the show? A cheating husband  goes into…

Every time I turn on the news I hear about some group who is trying to strip God out of the culture. They don’t want prayer in school, God on our money, the 10 commandments in court rooms, Christian clubs to meet on college campuses (but Sex Week is fine), manger scenes on lawns, I…

People tell me in therapy that they have or want to find their soulmate.  I’m really not sure what that means. Murray’s new book, The Curmudgeon’s Guide to Getting Ahead defines  soulmate as your closest friend to whom you are sexually attracted. I like this definition because of the importance it places on finding a friend,…

Friends of ours married off their son when he just turned 21. Another is getting married at 20 and hey, I was married at 19! Yes, I know, that is really young. But is marrying young a good idea? Well, for me it obviously worked. I’m about to celebrate 40 years of marriage this year.…

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