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Doing Life Together
Does X Contribute Negatively to Your Relationship?
Linda Mintle
TWEET: You didn’t follow through on your promise today #madatyouagain TWEET: How about the way you responded #outofcontrol TWEET: No way. Call me @JohnSmith. I’m over Tim! TWEET: #overreacting. #outofcontrol and trying to blame me. I guess I eat out tonight! TWEET: Seriously, no dinner with me is right! Checking my options @JohnSmith What would…
Halloween: You Decide What is Best for Your Family
Linda Mintle
Every year, I receive questions about Halloween regarding faith and the spiritual nature of the holiday. I am reposting part of this blog from last year as I believe it is balanced. After researching the roots of Halloween, I am not a fan, but I never have been. I allowed my children to dress up…
A Spiritual Challenge to Betrayal
Linda Mintle
Have you ever heard the saying, forgive and love generously? It’s a great sentiment, but when it comes to betrayal, it’s not so easy to do. However, choosing to forgive is key to healing when betrayal is in the picture. You may not feel like forgiving someone who has betrayed you. In the natural,…
8 Questions to Assess Work Addiction?
Linda Mintle
“It’s like I married my alcoholic father. Not a day goes by in which my husband spends less than 12 hours on some assignment related to work. When we vacation, he says he wants to rest, but I find him secretly working on his tablet. At night, he steals away to the quiet of his…
Does Marital Commitment Make a Difference?
Linda Mintle
When Hugh Jackson and his wife of 27 years, Deborra-lee, separated recently, I was sad. They were a celebrity couple I hoped would go the distance. I know Hollywood divorces are common but still, we would like to see couples stay together. And even after the split, the Jackmans stated their love for each but…
Marijuana for Anxiety?
Linda Mintle
Marijuana use for anxiety is on the rise. People claim it calms them down. But is it a proven treatment for anxiety? Or is this part of a placebo effect? Marijuana is not a drug that has been run through FDA approval for medical use. Federally, it remains a Schedule 1 drug, meaning it has…
6 Ways to Handle Rejection
Linda Mintle
Feelings of rejection and deep anger are rooted deep in some people due to life experiences and hurt. And the inability to deal with whatever upset you, can lead to isolation. In some cases, people who feel rejected lash out at others and do unthinkable things. Rejection, while never an excuse to hurt anyone, is…
Dealing with Trauma in My Relationship
Linda Mintle
Have you ever felt shocked or overwhelmed by something that threatened your physical health, or involved threat of death or serious injury? Maybe a car accident, the loss of a child, a mass shooting, or a robbery. Add to this list, significant emotional loss, and all types of abuse as part of your experience. These…
6 Ways to Help the Emotional Journey of Caregiving
Linda Mintle
My mom passed away after years of serious health issues and treatment needs. My brother and I both lived a distance from my parents, making it harder to do what needed to be done. Yet, we found ways to handle her health concerns, but it was like having a part time job (the average number…
The Connection Between Food and Relationships
Linda Mintle
Since Eve ate the apple, much depends on dinner.—Lord Byron Since the beginning of time, food was associated with relationship difficulty. Eve’s decision to eat involved: God –she hid from Him because of her sin Adam –she offered Him to join her in her deception Satan—she listened to his lie and planting of doubt These…
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