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Doing Life Together
What Does it Mean to Have a Nervous Breakdown?
Linda Mintle
When someone says, “I am having a nervous breakdown,” do you know what they mean? “Nervous breakdown” isn’t a medical term. Most often it refers to becoming physical or emotionally overwhelmed related to life stress. You “break down” under the pressure and are not functioning like your normal self. You may have heard someone refer…
From Lonely to Connected
Linda Mintle
Have you ever been surrounded by people, but still felt lonely? It’s not a good feeling and, interestingly, not always easy to identify. Loneliness develops when you experience a gap between the connections you want or desire and the connections you have. In other words, you realize you lack meaningful relationships in your life. This…
The BORG: A Dangerous College Drinking Trend
Linda Mintle
Those of us who went to college did some stupid things. Sometimes they were silly, even foolish. But a new craziness has emerged that’s simply dangerous behavior that should concern everyone. You know it’s “hot” when it’s trending on social media, especially TikTok. It is called the BORG. And no, I am not talking about…
Responding to the Hurt of Rejection
Linda Mintle
The job offer was to come any day now, but it didn’t. An email read, “Thank you for applying, but we decided to hire another candidate.” Or “You are a great person, but I don’t think we are right for each other. Sorry, we need to end this relationship.” Or ” I really liked your…
Memorial Day: The Importance of Remembrance
Linda Mintle
Barbecues will fire up. Pools will open. Welcome to the three-day weekend of Memorial Day. In the middle of family fun and the official welcome of the summer tourist season, please remember that some families are not so happy. They are dealing with the loss of a loved one who served in the military. For…
What does it Take to Make a Friend?
Linda Mintle
Friendships may be one of the most underrated relationships when it comes to feeling loved and supported in your life. And finding a best friend is no easy task. I can name on one hand the number of best friends I have had throughout my life. And sadly, if you don’t keep those relationships going with…
Recognizing a Covert Narcissist
Linda Mintle
A patient who was seeing me in couple’s therapy said, “My wife doesn’t have much empathy. And she doesn’t return my affection. It’s subtle, and I can’t really put my finger on it. She says things like, ‘I am too good for this relationship.’ or ‘I deserve good things and people don’t realize how much…
Find the Good in Your Mother
Linda Mintle
Happy Mother’s Day! One of my greatest joys is being a mother to my two children. They had my heart the day they were born and my love for them only continues to grow through the years. To all the moms today, you are blessed! Even though my mom is no longer with me, I…
3 Ways the Church Can Strengthen Mental Health
Linda Mintle
Jessica revealed to her church small group that she struggles with depression. She is one in five people who will be diagnosed with a mental health disorder this year. And if she doesn’t address her depression, she could be one of ten who will end up being hospitalized some time in their lives. Is there…
From Entitled to Grateful
Linda Mintle
Have you ever noticed how many commercials tell us that we deserve to have things? We deserve a new car, a new phone, a certain type of meal or food, a better job, a vacation…the list goes on and on. And it is not only media that highly promotes this entitlement mentality. Sadly, entitlement has…
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