Doing Life Together

It’s time for breakfast. You open the refrigerator, grab the milk and take a whiff. It smells bad. But your spouse is pouring the milk into his bowl. “Hey, did you smell that? It’s rotten! Don’t use it!” And you wonder, did he not smell how sour the milk was? Maybe, maybe not. Usually, it’s…

Recently, I did a blog post on good mental health reminders for the New Year. Here are 10 more to add to that list. Check out the lists on both blogs and see if there are areas to improve. It could make a difference in your attitude and mental health this new year. 1. Learn…

Mental health issues are more common than we think. It is estimated that 25% of US adults are impacted by mental-health related problems. So as we begin the New Year, here are 10 mental health reminders. Let’s make this New Year a healthy mental health one as well. Distance yourself from toxic people. If someone…

It’s a new year! Are you thinking about making a change? Do you want to clear the slate and start fresh? Maybe this is the year to finally reach your goals, e.g.,  weight loss, less time on social media, getting more exercise or creating healthier habits. Despite our good intentions, our goals quickly fade within…

May it be your best year yet!

New Year’s Day is just a few days away. As we approach the ending of one year and bring in the new, it’s normal to do a bit of reflection. It can be an empowering process and a skill that can be practiced. In fact, it would be good to engage in regular reflection times…

Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house, Not a creature was stirring, but I felt like a louse! As I gazed at the packages all in a row,  Too much spending, this much I know.  I slumped to the floor and grabbed hold of my man, We have only two children. There’s…

Some would argue as to whether or not this is the most wonderful time of the year given the potential for family conflict. And yes, some conflict will occur when it comes to your family. But, keep in mind that holiday get togethers are limited to a few days. So negotiating and managing your way…

It’s not Christmas yet, but are you over Christmas? Now before you think I am Mr. Scrooge, I am not asking if you are over the holiday itself. Rather, are you overspending, overeating or overstressed? These three “overs” can make this time of year not so wonderful! Consequently, we need to be intentional and avoid…

a Do you have Christmas traditions? Perhaps this is the year to revive them or begin new ones. I was thinking about this because I overheard a group of millennials talking about how sad they were that they had no traditions for the Christmas holiday. This was something they longed for and wished their families…

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