Doing Life Together

  A year ago, I had to put down my beloved poodle Zoe. I feel the loss even today. She’s was the comfort dog at my medical school and went to work with me everyday. She was always wagging her tail and happy to be with me doing her job of bringing joy to everyone.…

Most of us can point to a few people in our lives whose sole ambition is to make a lot of money and accumulate things. This pursuit is usually an insatiable one. How much is enough? To that end, the Harvard Business Review posted an article entitled, ‘How ambitious should you be?” It’s a useful…

My co-worker who used to feel passion and excitement for her job is struggling to make it through the day. Something has changed. She is disconnected and flat in her conversations. She has all the signs of burnout and needs help. This could happen to any of us if we aren’t careful. Here are 10 ways to…

Have you ever made a goal you really wanted to reach, but despite your good intentions, fell short?  I was at my annual doctor visit and the physician kindly “lectured” me on doing more exercise and avoiding fried or fatty foods. Now, “lecture” is a strong word in that she was simply giving me advice.…

Gossip! No big deal, Right? Wrong! In the middle of the book of Matthew are two verses that should give us all pause. Matthew 12:36-37 says, “But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment. For by your words you will be…

A patient was struggling with her marriage and asked, “I have a secret I have not told my husband. But if I tell him, it could end the marriage.” When I probed further, I learned that keeping the secret was eating at her. Yet, her fear in telling preventing her from saying the truth. She…

Will I see my pets in Heaven? This is me with my beloved poodle Zoe who is no longer with me. It’s not just a question children ask. It’s one many of us think about and the subject of my podcast this coming weekend. We want the answer to be, YES! But I am not…

Have you ever noticed this scene: A couple is out dining in a nice restaurant. Most of the evening, they don’t talk to each other. Instead, they are on their phones not interacting at all.  I have seen this so many times.  No conversation with their partner right across the table.  To me, that signals a…

You are tired of his shoes left at the side of the bed. You almost tripped getting up at night. So it starts, the argument, that is. “Why do you have to leave your stuff all over the place? Just put things away!” He glares at you and says, “Really? So you are Ms. Perfect?“…

It’s a tall biblical order–be anxious about nothing. About 40 million of us struggle to follow this command. Far too many reasons to feel anxious in today’s world,  right? Consequently, we must be aware of anxious feelings when they arise and then know how to eliminate them. In my book, Letting Go of Worry, I…

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