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7 Ways to Stop FOMO
Linda Mintle
Do you find yourself scrolling endlessly and compulsively through the lives of other people on social media? Then you realize, “I’ve lost a couple of hours of my day!”And you feel worse, not better. If this sounds familiar, you might be experiencing FOMO–the Fear Of Missing Out! But why is this even a thing? Is…
How to Effectively Stop a Bully
Linda Mintle
Bullies come in all sizes, shapes and ages. Adults and children can be bullied on social media or in every day life. The trick is to know how to stop a bully. What strategies are most effective? Since the school year is underway, let’s look a child being bullied. But keep in mind, these strategies…
How to Think About Halloween
Linda Mintle
Our child is three-years old and doesn’t know anything about Halloween. My husband and I talked about it and decided we are not going to celebrate the holiday. Surprisingly, my friends are giving me a hard time about our decision. For many reasons, including some experiences in our lives that were dark, we don’t feel…
10 Ways to Keep Anxiety Away
Linda Mintle
Be anxious about nothing! For over 40 million people, living this directive is not easy. Anxiety seems to be a part of modern life. And anxiety often has its companion, worry, close at hand. In my book, Letting Go of Worry, I explain that worry is the mental part of anxiety. To let go of…
What Does It Mean To “Judge Not?”
Linda Mintle
Sometimes I think I have a hyper-active fairness gene. I become quite upset when people suffer injustice or unfair treatment. When that happens, my tendency is to judge. But I have learned to be careful with instant moves to judgment. Why? Because there is a fine line between judging someone and standing up for what…
Move from Longing to Belonging
Linda Mintle
Recently we moved to another state and had to start over finding friends, a church, doctors, repair people and all the things you take for granted when you lived somewhere for a while. Moving is challenging. You quickly realize the loss of community and the need to belong. This universal need to belong goes all…
3 Things That Stop You From Change
Linda Mintle
Most of us need a little push or help to do hard things. When it comes to motivating yourself to make change, it can be a struggle. Change is hard work. We often have good intentions to change but get busy and distracted. Or we don’t want to face the reality that change is needed.…
Is This Another Reason to Lose Weight?
Linda Mintle
So many of us have the goal to lose a few pounds. But we all know that losing weight is not the easiest thing to do. Most often, we need extra motivation to make life changes. We also know how important exercise is for so many health and mental health conditions. Yet, here we are…
10 Ways to Cope For The Sandwich Generation
Linda Mintle
Many of my friends are dealing with aging parents and teenagers. They are part of what is known as the sandwich generation. Not only are they running teens to soccer, dance, and a plethora of activities, but also running to nephrologists, cardiologists and pain management specialists. In other words, they are managing and caring for…
Is An Anxiety Screening Right For You?
Linda Mintle
If you’ve ever struggled with anxiety, you know how distressing and debilitating it can be. While anxiety is one of the most common mental health problems, numbers have been rising since the pandemic. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), both anxiety and depression grew by 25% during the pandemic. The stress of isolation, working…
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