Doing Life Together

Do you find yourself anxious and worrying most of the time without any clear reason? Perhaps anxiety has woven itself into the fabric of your daily life, and you feel powerless to control it. If this sounds familiar, you’re not alone. What is Generalized Anxiety? Generalized anxiety extends beyond the occasional worries that most people…

  Have you ever read a news story and thought, “This can’t be true! It defies common sense”? That’s exactly how I felt when I came across this story. I had to share it to shed light on the ridiculous and unfair treatment of a passenger by Delta Airlines. Here’s a recap: U.S. Marine Corps…

Sometimes anxiety hits and we don’t know why. We just feel anxious. But something is going on in your body that could be causing an anxious feeling. Your autonomic nervous system is constantly surveilling the environment and looking for safety or threat. If threat is detected that part of your nervous system activates and can…

Sarah is doing something her family has a hard time understanding. She is harming herself by regularly cutting on her thighs and arms. College adjustment has been difficult and she finds herself among the approximately 15% of college students who engage in self-harm at least once. For teens, the numbers (35%.) are even higher. Talking with Sarah,…

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  Every couple knows that certain topics can ignite a spark—some lead to deep conversations, while others can turn into heated debates. If you’re looking to ruffle some feathers or simply test the waters of your partner’s patience, I’ve compiled a list of classic conversation starters and responses that are sure to elicit a reaction.…

Grieving is hard enough when we lose someone we love. It’s common to wish for just one more conversation, thinking it would bring comfort. Emerging technology may offer a new way to grieve, but it comes with serious ethical considerations. In both Europe and the US, services are now available that can record a loved…

  “I hate my body.” “My thighs are too big; my hair is too thin and I don’t like what I see in the mirror.”   Do the imperfections you see in the mirror shape your sense of self? If they do, consider keeping those thoughts to yourself when your children are around. A child’s…

Have you heard the old Jewish Proverb that says, “No one is as deaf as the man who will not listen.” It’s so true. If you don’t have good listening skills, you will struggle in life. Listening is such a vital relationship skill that numerous books have been dedicated to it. When people truly listen, it…

Holly couldn’t quite pinpoint the reason, but whenever she found herself in emotionally charged situations, she felt an overwhelming urge to escape. Conflict and negativity were triggers she instinctively avoided. Through therapy, she discovered that this aversion stemmed from her upbringing—her parents had consistently overlooked her fundamental emotional needs. The term “emotional neglect” is one…

When you go through a difficult time, have you ever noticed what people say? Their words can be encouraging and uplifting or frustrating, even offensive. This happens in churches more than I care to admit. A well-meaning person tries to encourage you and uses cliches like, “I believe everything happens for a reason?” Or “Don’t…

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