Doing Life Together

There are times in our lives when we feel we are in a dark season. It’s like we have fallen into a  pit-physically, mentally, emotionally, financially or even spiritually. Things happen; sometimes because of our own doing. Other times, because of the actions of others. And still other times, because of disease and the brokenness…

People give lots of common excuses not to go to counseling. Take David, for example. David’s mood is a problem. He is irritable and difficult to be around lately. Something is really bothering him. Yet, he won’t talk about it or get help. Counseling could help, but he won’t go. Like David, do you make…

Jealousy, the green-eyed-monster that makes us green with envy! It’s true. We all have jealous moments. But sustained jealous feelings are not healthy. Over time, the lingering effects of jealousy lead to relationship problems. So how do we let those jealous feelings go? First, we need to get at the root cause. Jealousy is usually…

Once a year, we plan for a romantic day and celebrate love.  Most of us will make dinner plans, buy cards and gifts to express our love and appreciation for that special someone. But after the Valentine’s Day celebration, how do you score in the romance department? Are you keeping love alive post February 14th? Honestly,…

When Ashley came to therapy, she had one question. What does it take to have a healthy relationship? She was tired of dating men with “issues.” And her last three relationships didn’t end well. What did she need to do or look for in terms of finding a life partner? #1: Ashley needed a good…

Conflict is a normal part of every relationship. When it isn’t managed well, it can rip a relationship apart. Katie and Tim knew this, and were at a breaking point if things didn’t change. Every day there was a blow up over something. And during those blow ups, things escalated. Their emotions ran so high,…

Patty’s  husband was cheating on her and the pain was too much. She wasn’t eating, sleeping or getting out of bed. She knew she was in trouble. Yet, when I suggested she see someone to help her through this, she said no. At first, she was hesitant to tell me why. But the more we…

It’s cold and you feel the winter blues. The holidays are over. The sky is cloudy and it’s dark when you wake up. You don’t want to get out of bed. You feel irritable, tired, unable to concentrate, want to eat, crave carbohydrates, and feel like being alone. It’s hard to stay motivated. You just…

Chronic pain has not left us during the pandemic. With all the focus on COVID and politics these days, I haven’t forgotten those of you who suffer with chronic pain. All the added stress from the past year and recent events can make pain worse. My book, Living beyond Pain, co-authored with physician James Kribs,…

  What happens when two people see the same event, hear the same words but have very different interpretations of what happened? A divide forms; a common occurrence in our culture right now. This morning was no exception. I listened to a news story on two different networks. Same facts, same video but two very…

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