Doing Life Together

A big change in Tiffany’s life was about to happen. Her husband was considering a job change and she was feeling anxious. If her husband took the new position, so much would change in her life. She would lose her job, have to move out of the area and search for new employment. After a…

There are a lot of angry people in our culture today. Troll your social media. Anger is spewed toward people with no regard to potential consequences. And listen to newscasts on all the different stations. I do this daily and there is  a common thread. News people try to sir up anger which leads to higher…

Are you easily angered? Do you have a low tolerance for frustration? Does any little thing annoy and frustrate you? Are you tired of feeling out of control? If so, consider this. Some people are born more edgy and irritable. You see this in children. You can tell the ones who cry more often and appear…

In doing couples coaching, I draw heavily on the three decades of research by John Gottman, Robert Levenson and colleagues at the Gottman Institute. This group has contributed much to our understanding of healthy relationships through their research with couples. Gottman describes couples as “masters” or “disasters” of relationships. As you would guess, “the masters of…

We’ve been surrounded and battered by troubles, but we’re not demoralized; we’re not sure what to do, but we know that God knows what to do; we’ve been spiritually terrorized, but God hasn’t left our side; we’ve been thrown down, but we haven’t broken. 2 Corinthians 4: 8-9 (MSG) Maybe you feel a little battered…

What type of abuse is hard to live with? You might think, well, this is a really dumb question. All types of abuse are hard to live with. And you would be right. But one type of abuse is especially difficult because it is not so obvious. It’s subtle and often difficult to detect. In…

A reader writes: My friend is depressed and I don’t know what to say or do. Any suggestions? Certainly.  We all may encounter someone struggling with depression who needs help and support. I remember when a woman in my Bible study asked for prayer for depression.  A silence fell over the group. Five minutes passed and…

Many people suffer from what is called Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD). It is characterized by constant worry which leads to pervasive feelings of anxiety. Someone with GAD may interpret any emotion such as feeling sad, as a reason for worry. This leads to negative emotions. The result is more anxiety. Thus, a vicious cycle can…

Recently, on my weekend radio show (podcasts are available anytime), we did two shows on dealing with a narcissist with an expert therapist. Why? Because so many people struggle with someone they know who has these traits or diagnosis. And when you are in a relationship with this type of person, it is exhausting for…

School is back in session for kids, teens and college students. Or you might be an adult who decided to go back to school to learn a new field in order to have more options for a career. Whatever your path, you might wonder, what does it take to be a super student and get…

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