Doing Life Together

No one would argue that we have a lot of serious issues facing our country. So,  how do we look confidently in the future? By being spiritually resilient and knowing how to stay strong. Here are 20 ways to help: Talk about world events and how they impact us. When difficulty arise, it is an…

On the popular television show, Songland, recording artist Will I Am chose a new song to record from a group of songwriters. The title–Be Nice. The lyrics are simple- Hey, be different, be nice. Just smile. I promise it will change your life. While these lyrics won’t go down as award winning, the sentiment is so…

For those in the Christian faith, we are called to cultivate a culture of peace.  The Gospel is, after all, called the Gospel of Peace. Now more than ever, our culture needs peace. So how does a person of faith cultivate peace? First, we understand that peace begins with reconciliation to God. We have been…

Worry-that thing we are not supposed to do but find ourselves fighting it. If you are someone who wants to make sure everything is OK, you may be prone to constant worry. And during this time of pandemic, it’s easy to worry about so many things we can’t control. But you can control your thoughts…

I had a conversation the other day. I tried to talk about a personal experience, but the conversation kept getting refocused on the other person. Needless to say, it was frustrating. You may have had a similar experience. You: “My college age daughter is wondering what her major should be.” Friend: “My daughter has always…

Let’s say you made a decision to end a bad relationship. Now, you keep going over and over your decision. “Should you have really ended it? Was he a better person than I realized? Did I give the relationship enough time?” Questions keep running through your head. Finally, your friend takes you to coffee and…

What happens when you let your anger fly? A 26-year-old Brit found out the hard way. He ranted on Twitter that if his local airport didn’t open soon, he would blow the airport sky high. You can imagine what happened. He was arrested and considered a threat of terrorism. People who can’t control their anger…

If you are on social media or listening to the news, you know there are a lot of upsetting things being said these days. But what about the upsetting things we say to our partners? For example, I remember arguing with my husband a few years back. In a moment of anger, I said, “You…

There are so many things happening that feel out of our control. We are fighting a virus we don’t really understand, the economy is struggling, our routines are no longer predicable, etc. Given all the problems we face today, there are things you can do to feel better. One area you can impact directly is…

You just had a bad fight with a family member. You feel upset and quite angry. All you can think about is getting a hot fudge sundae from the fast food drive through. Maybe it will help you calm down. Or, you are bored with nothing to do. The brownies in the freezer seem to…

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