Doing Life Together

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Mark decided he wanted to buy a new car. His wife Sharon told him she was uncomfortable with buying a car right now. Mark didn’t give much credence to her point of view. In fact, he  said, “You are wrong” and then became highly defensive. He told Sharon she was overly concerned about money. Sharon…

Angela suffers from mild depression. It runs in her family and can worsen if not treated. She is being treated but wanted to spiritually address the way depression leads to to feeling hopeless. Intellectual, she knows that with God, nothing is beyond repair and healing. So, she wants to actively engage her faith in fighting…

I can honestly say I will be glad when this election season is over. The stress created around the candidates is palpable. Politics can be extremely divisive among family and friends. It’s to the point where few people even want to discuss their vote without fear of retribution from someone. Researchers at The University of…

What happens when you must tell your boss your strategy didn’t work, or a new idea fell flat? Do you feel safe to report the truth and not hide what happened? If so, you are experiencing something called psychological safety. Amy Edmondson, a Harvard Business School professor, and author of The Fearless Organization, coined the phrase…

Clutter, that stuff strewn everywhere that can make us anxious and stressed. It clogs up our lives and can lead to relationship fights and even unsafe conditions in our homes. Additionally, clutter can affect our focus and trigger avoidance as a coping mechanism because we feel overwhelmed. To deal with clutter, tackle small things one…

I was utterly disgusted by the opening ceremonies of the 2024 Summer Olympics. I tuned in last Friday night to see our athletes and celebrate the discipline and hard work they did to prepare for these games. I wanted to support them and rout for America. Instead, I was met with celebrities who knew nothing…

We hear a lot about teens at risk. We know their brains are not fully developed, making them more susceptible to impulsive and risky behavior. But there are ways to decrease risky behavior. One of those happens to be religion. So let’s take a look at 4 conditions that researchers have identified to reduce risky…

People are offended by everything and anything these days. To voice their offense, they often take to social media which provides a platform to do so with complete anonymity. Social media provides opportunity to call for someone’s cancellation. Most of us are all familiar with cancel culture. But just in case, The Cambridge Dictionary defines it…

Are you going through a difficult time with a family member, a loved one, a co-worker or even a boss? Maybe you are on the brink of losing a relationship. Don’t give up hope. Instead, apply relationship CPR to revive an ailing relationship. Here are 6 ways: Build positivity. Is the relationship more positive than…

Do you watch TV, movies or read magazines? If so, you are acutely aware of how much sexual content is before our eyes. We all know that sex sells and is a part of our daily lives through the influence of media and advertising. The temptation to give in to a sexual appetite can be…

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