Doing Life Together

Here’s a question you probably haven’t been asked since high school. How popular are you at your office or place of work? Hmmm…you are probably thinking, why does this even matter? Didn’t I leave all the drama behind when I left high school? Actually office popularity does matter. Psychology professor Mitch Prinstein (UNC Chapel Hill)…

If you are thinking of getting married or already married, you may be interested in what couples who have  been married 10 or more years say is important in making a relationship work. These responses are from the Internet, not scientific, just opinions based on experience. But it is interesting to read what people think…

Ron and Barb came to see me for a problem with their teen, but as they discussed the problem, I could tell within a  half hour that their marriage wasn’t happy. How did I know. I watched, listened and counted the number of negative and positive interactions. During the time of conflict, Ron and Barb had more negative interactions…

Jerry, often described as toxic, is a co-worker whom you try to avoid as much as possible. You know, that person who seems to be completely unaware of the chaos and negativity he or she brings to relationships. Toxic people thrive on pushing your buttons and seem to be involved in drama all the time. Most…

Rachel’s husband wonders what is going on with her lack of sexual desire. She’s just not very interested in having sex and this is a change. He brought up the subject and she is trying to figure it out. Here are six possibilities that could be contributing to her lack of interest. Exhaustion due to…

Bipolar disorder has been a mental health disorder that has been difficult to understand in terms of its origins and risk factors. But now, a team of researchers who worked with the University of Michigan’s Depression Center believe they have uncovered several risk factors that may shed some light on this condition. The findings were…

All of us need to be encouraged on a regular basis given the stress of our lives and the problems we face. The biblical psalmist tells us to encourage ourselves in the Lord. But I never thought I would get encouragement from the first few chapters of the book of Numbers in the Bible. Our pastor…

Eating dirt is called pica. It’s a mental health condition. But eating  a laundry pod is not called anything but stupid! You heard me, the new thing? Try biting into one of those blue and red  laundry pods for fun! I’m not understanding it, but apparently around 100,000 teens thought it was funny before the video craziness was…

Something is wrong in your relationship. You just know it, but can’t really put your finger on why you feel so unsettled. The last thing you want to think about is the possibility that your partner could be cheating on you. But open your eyes and look for the signs, because your partner may be…

Think about your workplace? Are you excited to be there, happy to think about going to work each day, or simply enjoy your office environment? If you say YES, it could have to do with the people with whom you work. In a word, you just like them! Most of us want to be liked…

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