Doing Life Together

We all get angry, right? But how do we handle those angry feelings? Our reactions to anger matters. It often determines the health of our relationships. So, check yourself and see how you measure up on these points. Admit you are angry. Don’t deny the emotion and engage in “anger insteads” such as overeating, boredom,…

At times, it is tempting not to be obedient to God. In fact, sometimes it is so counter culture that we give in to the moment or to our emotions. Bill had a typical, momentary struggle with obedience that many of us have faced. The cashier made a mistake and handed him a twenty dollar bill…

Being a pastor can be a dangerous job. Consider the profile of John Smith. His pastoral experience is shared by many. His response to  stress and pressure of the job is of grave concern. Pastor: Johns Smith (fictitious name) Job: Senior pastor of a small church in the midwest Stress: Leadership and congregational conflicts; financial worries…

Ann has been unhappy and anxious regarding her current life circumstances. Her husband left her for another woman. As Ann tries to cope with this harsh reality, the therapist tells her to stay present, to live in the moment and practice mindfulness. While Ann has tried this several times and come up short in terms…

The election is over and a new President has been installed. Is love governing your actions and speech? The ongoing discontent of those who dislike (even hate) this President is not going away soon. Prepare yourself for more slander, lack of civility, intolerance and divisive language aimed at dividing Americans and stirring up turmoil. The question is, will you choose love over hate?…

It’s cold. You don’t want to get out of bed. Lately you’ve been craving carbs. It’s hard to get motivated. You just want to hibernate! Since this feeling come on seasonally, you think, “I must have the winter blues!” Maybe, since about 20% of people struggle to shake off those winter blues. But it could be…

I was sitting in the car waiting for someone and listening to the radio. I heard several commercials in a row. What struck me was the number of times I heard the phrase, “You deserve…” According to advertisers, I deserve a lot—certain foods, cars, the purchase of services, a break, a vacation, personal wealth, etc. I struggle…

“I’m having trouble with my boss. He always thinks he is right.”  “He’s impossible to deal with because he doesn’t see how often he puts me down and thinks he is better than I am.” “She’s always telling me how great and important she is. It’s gets old!” These words represent the frustration of people who…

Preteens and teens are developmentally moody, emotional and at times unhappy. But more is happening these days than biology. In the digital age, we need to keep evaluating the impact of social media on measures of well-being. A report entitled, Social Media Use and Children’s Well-Being, concludes that just one hour a day of social networking makes a difference. “Spending one…

Before you know it, we will  be celebrating the holiday of love. Yet,  too many couples have lost that loving feeling and are headed for divorce. Divorce attorneys report that January and February (just before Valentine’s Day) are the busiest time of year for divorce. Think about it. Couples try to make it work over the…

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