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Doing Life Together
Maundy Thursday: Are You Living Out Jesus’ Command?
Linda Mintle
I did not grow up in a liturgical church so never heard of a Maundy Thursday service. As an adult, I have attended churches that blend liturgical elements into the services and I love the meaning behind these traditions. Maundy Thursday is one of them. It is part of Holy Week leading to Easter Sunday…
7 Ways to Make Adult Friends
Linda Mintle
Do you have or need adult friends? Finding those friends can be somewhat challenging given our busy lives. But researchers confirm, friends are critical to a happy life. In fact, a 2023 Pew research survey on friendship reported that 61% of adults in the U.S. say that having close friends is essential to living a…
The Struggle with Healing Prayer
Linda Mintle
A friend of mine just lost her mother to a brain tumor. We prayed and knew God could heal, but she died and even suffered at the end of her life. Another friend just wrote a book about her life and family. Her husband was diagnose with cancer and died in his late 30s; her…
Drifting Aimlessly? You Need Purpose
Linda Mintle
Cameron is like so many people in life, drifting aimlessly and wondering why he is here. He wakes up every day with a sense of dread and anxiety. He is not alone. Some would say, we have a crisis of purpose in our culture. Too many people feel the same way as Cameron. When the…
Tempted to Have an Affair? Think Again
Linda Mintle
Infidelity is the cause of many marriage breakups and never has a good ending. It is not harmless as movies and TV shows often portrayed. When I wrote the chapter on Sex and Affection in my book, We Need to Talk, I referenced the infidelity site Doing the research for the book, I couldn’t…
6 Natural Ways to Boost Your Mood
Linda Mintle
If you struggle with depression, you may not be thinking about natural ways to boost your mood. Lifestyle changes can be made. Here are a few changes to consider making to improve your mood. The food/gut connection with mood: The gut is sensitive to emotions. Approximately 90% of your serotonin (the happy chemical) is found…
Mindstuck: What Does It Take to Make Change?
Linda Mintle
Have you ever thought, “If he/she would just change, things would be better?” But when you pressed for change, the person dug in their heels and was stubborn. Despite your pleas or best efforts to persuade, nothing really happened. Then, you are left frustrated and disappointed. Author Michael McQueen calls this tendency for people to…
Are You Alone Together?
Linda Mintle
Have you ever thought, “I am in a relationship, but I feel alone?” I call this alone together, the feeling of not being connected to an intimate other. Yes, you are physically together, but the relationship feels more like going through the motions. When this happens, changes need to be made to build back connection…
Thinking Marriage? Listen to Wise Counsel
Linda Mintle
I sat with a couple who was upset. Their son was getting married. Instead of feeling joy, they were anxious and concerned. Their son wasn’t paying attention to any of the red flags regarding the relationship they tried to discuss. He was in love. Nothing would deter him. If you are considering marriage, pay attention…
6 Ways to Revive an Ailing Relationship
Linda Mintle
Are you going through a difficult time with a family member, a loved one, a co-worker or even a boss? Maybe you are on the brink of losing a relationship. Don’t give up hope. Instead, apply relationship first aid to revive an ailing relationship. Here are 6 ways to apply relationship first aid: Build the…
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