Doing Life Together

Mom and dad are fighting. Mom turns to you and says, “Your father is unreasonable. Tell him he is being impossible right now.” You think, “Dad is being unreasonable. I see mom’s point. Should I say something and support her right now?” No, resist. The fight doesn’t involve you, but suddenly you are brought into…

What happens when one person in a couple has more of a desire for the frequency of sex than the other. Is it some deep hidden emotional problem that only Freud could understand? First, consider biochemistry and the role of testosterone. This steroid hormone produced by both sexes correlates strongly with desire. After initial infatuation, a low testosterone…

David sat in my office confused. “I know we’ve had lots of family problems. My wife is mad at me for all kinds of reasons and some of them are legitimate. But I am trying to do nice things for my wife. Honestly, it doesn’t seem to matter. She doesn’t even notice. I don’t get it.” David fails…

I teach millennials. One of the most common things I hear is that they don’t want to judge anyone. While that sounds good on one level, it is also a problem on another. What I see is a misapplication of a biblical view of judgment. Here is an example. A group of millennials were talking about their…

I’ve been working with weight loss for years now and was excited to see what the TV show, The Biggest Loser, would do in terms of helping those with obesity. I stopped watching the show because I feared what would happen in the long run–people would regain the weight after a year or so. And…

If you are unaware of the news story about the Stanford athlete, Brock Turner, convicted of sexual assault, you need to read what happened . The victim wrote a compelling statement describing the impact of the assault. Every student, parent and grandparent should read what she read aloud in the courtroom to her perpetrator. This will help you understand the…

We all want our children to grow up to be happy and successful adults. And we know that parenting has much to do with that success. So what have researchers found to be key issues in raising successful kids? Kids need to develop a sense of independence. Parents, help them by encouraging them to work…

A Bosnian couple met online — only to be repulsed when they met in person?  It wasn’t that they found each other unattractive. The surprise was that the on-line daters turned out to be married to each other in real life. Unhappy with their marriage, they each created online identities under fake names and had an…

My pastor is taking us through the book of Daniel. Reading Daniel 11 and 12, I realized I need to better understand the role of suffering in the life of a Christian. Daniel 11 is a dismal chapter of prophetic events. Daniel was living in tough times and receives a vision that things are going to get even…

“If he would stop being critical, I wouldn’t get so mad!” “If she would be more attentive to me, I might spend more time with her.” When we are upset, angry, hurt or ignored, our natural inclination is to blame the other person. We think, if they would only change, my problems would be solved. But…

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