My nephew’s fiancé goes to China every year for Chinese New Year to see her family. This year, the coronavirus broke out during her visit. Consequently, she is quarantined in her home town, unable to return to the States indefinitely. For her, the consequences of the virus are very real and she is in the…

If you are stuck in analysis paralysis, it might be because you are engaged in overthinking. Sarah is a good example. When a new job presented, she weighed the pros and cons of leaving her current job and took the promotion. After she made the decision, she continued to ruminate on the decision, “Did I…

A few years ago, I had the privilege to meet with a church book club that chose my book, Letting Go of Worry, as their reading selection. I made a brief presentation and then opened the floor for questions and comments. It was obvious. People had worry. In some cases, worry had become debilitating. It…

Worry is something we all do now and then. But anxiety goes beyond worry. Anxiety as a feeling is different than anxiety as a disorder. You can feel anxious and not have an anxiety disorder. Clinical anxiety is that uneasy feeling, apprehension, a feeling of danger, doom or misfortune. Clinically speaking it a response to…

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