Nicole was doing well in school but found herself incredibly anxious. A freshman in college, she found her way to the counseling center for help. She discovered that anxiety is the number one reason college students seek counseling services on campus. She, and several of her friends, struggle with an overwhelming sense of anxiety. They…

Heather doesn’t want to be constantly thinking about a relationship break-up she had, but she can’t seem to get those unwanted thoughts out of her head. She finds herself ruminating….”I should have done this, why did he do that, how could I have…,”the thoughts are distressing and she wants to stop them. Jerry struggles with…

I come from a long line of worriers. Although faith is important, we never talked about how to live worry free. We managed worry. But as I got older and began to study worry in scripture, I came to realize, worry is not to be managed. It needs to be gone. Jesus was very specific…

Let’ face it There is a lot to worry about these days. Shootings, natural disasters, crime, disunity and fighting in our country. Add that to our personal life problems with finances, relationships and work. The end result can be a boat load of worry if we aren’t careful. Worry anticipates the future in an anxious…

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