Have you heard the old Jewish Proverb that says, “No one is as deaf as the man who will not listen.” It’s so true. If you don’t have good listening skills, you will struggle in life. Listening is such a vital relationship skill that numerous books have been dedicated to it. When people truly listen, it…

When we marry, we hope it is for a lifetime. It is important to choose the right person to go the distance. What if you could predict which newlywed couples will remain married and which ones will divorce four to six years later? And what if you were right 90% of the time. Well…this is…

Jealousy, the green-eyed-monster that makes us green with envy! It’s true. We all have jealous moments. But sustained jealous feelings are not healthy. Over time, the lingering effects of jealousy lead to relationship problems. So how do we let those jealous feelings go? First, we need to get at the root cause. Jealousy is usually…

When Ashley came to therapy, she had one question. What does it take to have a healthy relationship? She was tired of dating men with “issues.” And her last three relationships didn’t end well. What did she need to do or look for in terms of finding a life partner? #1: Ashley needed a good…

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