It’s a tall biblical order–be anxious about nothing. About 40 million of us struggle to follow this command. In my book, Letting Go of Worry, I explain how worry is the mental part of anxiety. To let go of worry involves the mind, body and spirit. Here are some practical tips to help you be…

Are you feeling stressed? Signs include craving food, irritability and even a racing heart. But reducing stress is easier than you think once you are intentional. Try these three easy tips: 1) Phone a friend. It not only works on game shows but in real life. Simply talking to a friend can release oxytocin, known…

I was deeply moved yesterday listening to the names of the victims from 911. I watched a number of anniversary specials and saw both resilience and heart break in families. My heart went out to those who are still stuck in unforgiveness. While we may never forget what happened on that horrendous day, we, as…

An academic conference was sponsored in Baltimore this month in which a handful of psychiatrists and other mental health professionals want to normalize pedophilia and take it out of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) as a mental health disorder. The manual is being revised in the next few years and is…

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