I was on a national radio program last night talking about anxiety. A caller asked a great question. “What is the difference between worry and anxiety?” Anxiety is that uneasy feeling, apprehension, a feeling of danger, doom or misfortune. Clinically speaking it a response to a perceived threat or danger. It is often produced by…

Today, the east coast is being slammed  by the impact of hurricane Sandy. I lived on tidal water and know the fright of those storms, especially  during high tide. The winds sustain and the full moon creates atmospheric problems. How do you stay calm when the winds rage around you, knocking down trees, power lines…

It’s been a stressful week. A friend of mine had his house struck by lighting while he was out of town and it burned to the ground. All their memories were gone in  moments. Another friend is going through a divorce, another is waiting on a papers to join her husband over seas. The list…

I just received another email from someone who is a Christian and struggling with anxiety. The panic has become so severe that the person isn’t functioning well. The question he asked was, “Is it wrong, a lack of faith, to take medication to help this condition?” My answer, an emphatic NO–it is not wrong to…

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