Parents, stay up to date. There is a new device called the Juul that doesn’t look like an e-cigarette but is. It is a vaping device. You might see it and not know that it is not a USB drive for your teen’s computer. The device looks like a USB drive, is easy to use…

Screen time is a battle ground in most households across America. If you are a parent trying to raise  healthy children, how are you doing when it comes to listening to the experts about screen time use in your family? Do your house rules compare to the experts?  Take a look at what the experts recommend and…

For years, I taught a parenting course called, Dynamic Parenting ©. The course was designed to improve the behavior of children. One of the skills taught was how to praise a child. Praise was broken down into teachable parts. Look at your child Move close to your child Give a nonverbal gesture of approval Praise…

Developmental psychologists have long been studying what it takes to raise smart kids. The authors of Becoming Brilliant: What Science Tells Us About Raising Successful Children, provide insight into what parents can do to bump up key learning in parenting moments. The authors (Hirsh-Pasek &  Golinkoff) contend that we need to move away from just having kids…

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