Question: Our 7-year-old son isn’t persistent and struggles to finish things he begins. He easily gives up. My husband doesn’t think this is an issue, but I disagree and would like my husband to require him to stick to things more. My husband takes a hands-off approach. Can you help with this? Persistence is a…

No matter how difficult our relationships can be, most adult children want a good relationship with their mothers. Whether your  relationship is great, terrible, or somewhere in between, mother-daughter relationships are powerful and partially define who we are. The more you work through issues with your mom, the better all your other relationships will be. Here are a…

Reader Question: My son is two and half and is beginning to stutter. Up until now, he has been a good talker. But when he gets excited, we’ve noticed he stutters, like his brain can’t catch up to his mouth. We are not sure how to handle this and wonder if we should seek help.…

“I worry that my high parental expectations for my child are making him anxious. What if I push too hard?” Have you thought or said this? Sometimes it is difficult to know what is the best approach to parenting, especially when it comes to having  high expectations for your child. Are you going to psychologically damage…

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