Jack and Kirsten are out to dinner. Kirsten begins the conversation. “How was your day?” “Fine.” That was it. Jack stopped talking. Kirsten was frustrated. Kirsten is thinking that a little more detail would be nice. Let’s say Kirsten began the conversation, it might go more like this. “I had a crazy day at the…

This was inspired by a satire on THE ONION about Eminem. What would happen if Rapper Eminem’s 17-year-old daughter brought her boyfriend home to meet dad? Would dad, Marshall Mathers, AKA Eminem, have a wake-up call? Let’s say the boyfriend was raised on heavy doses of Eminem’s music along with Snoop Dogg, Dr. Dre and…

According to marriage researcher, Paul Amato, 60% of divorces in the U.S. are from low conflict couples. This means these divorces were not characterized by abuse, addiction, repeated infidelity, or even high conflict. The marriages just fizzled. Couples stopped paying attention to each other and lost the fun and excitement of relationship. It’s the old,…

One of the reasons we hold on to anger even when it troubles our relationships is because we think it works for us. We don’t’ like to give up things that serve a purpose. So ask, what does anger do for me? Is it motivated by some deficiency or a reflexive response to unfair treatment? …

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