You’ve heard the saying, “Put your money where your mouth is?” Well if you are single, this idea may have some merit. A singles survey of almost 5500 unattached adults conducted by for sheds light on what singles look for in potential relationships. And yes, physical attraction still makes the list. But the…

Jenna was really mad at her husband. He promised to come home at a reasonable hour. She cooked a fabulous meal, got the kids to bed but sat waiting in the silence. Two hours after his scheduled arrival, husband Tom showed up. By the time, he walked in the door, Jenna was ready to explode.…

There is no place like home for the holidays unless it is filled with family members who seem to have nothing better to do then criticize or complain. So to maintain a little peace on earth, think about how you want to respond to the family digs. Here are a few examples: 1) Does Rachel…

It’s hard not to feel stressed during the holiday season. There is so much to do–parties, cleaning, cooking, shopping and gift wrapping .. OK I am getting stressed just listing it all out! This season, don’t let stress get the best of you. Take care of yourself so you can at least enjoy the season.…

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