In this week’s lead up to Mother’s Day, an adult daughter asks… Every Mother’s Day I have a hard time honoring my mom for this reason. She left our family to be with another man when I was 14. It still hurts when I think about what my family experienced as a result of her…

One of the common areas of tension between mothers and daughters involves boundaries. Boundaries are important because mothers and daughters often have different expectations about their relationship. Mothers tend to want more time and attention than their adults daughters can or are willing to give. Therefore, boundaries need to be negotiated and set. Establish a…

Big entertainment news last week on the cover of People–after living together for seven year and having  six children, Brad and Angie are engaged. We supposed to be getting excited over this news. Hollywood is dishing it out: Could Brad sue over people copying the 16 karat ring design he gave Angelina? Relax. How many…

John and Ann are asked about the history of their relationship. They have nothing positive to say. In fact, all they can remember are the problems. For years, they have been unable to deal with conflict in a way that repairs problems thus, they are left with negativity about the relationship. When John and Ann…

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