It’s a common complaint, “I can’t be me in this relationship. Ive lost myself and don’t know who I am.”  But is it true that the other person defines you? Balancing Our Individuality Finding a balance between our individuality and our intimate connections takes some work. It requires getting a good handle on who we…

Rejection is something that we all experience from time to time. Some people experience it frequently and it can cause psychologically and spiritual damage if not handled well. Rejection is all about exclusion of some kind. That exclusion can be social, relational, from peers, family, friends and romantic relationships. A group or an individual can be…

Jill was fed up with her mom. Her solution? Cut off the relationship so she could be her own person. I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve heard, “I don’t want to talk to my family (substitute anyone else here). They are toxic and impossible to deal with–it’s better if I just leave and have…

Hannah hadn’t spoken to her mother for a month and the tension between them could be cut with a knife. It was Saturday morning and Hannah was contemplating picking up the phone and making a call. She wanted to resolve the problem. But here was the rub. It was her mom who said hurtful things to…

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