Five years ago, there was no conflict. Renee and Jerry decided to have children. At the time, both felt it was best for Renee to stay home with the children while Jerry worked outside the home. Recently, Renee was having a tough day, complaining about the children and feeling left out of adult life. In…

Rachel: “He’s so controlling! I can’t even go out with friends or he gets mad. Should I be concerned about this or does this mean that he really loves me?” Barb: “You should be concerned! Someone who gets upset when you go out with friends is controlling. Why does he want to isolate you like…

If you want to upset your partner, try these tried and true conversation starters or responses. These phrases will get a reaction, mostly, an upsetting one. So think before you speak! 1) We need to talk. Yes, this is the title of my latest book. Even though this conversation starter is often necessary, most people don’t welcome…

Happy Father’s Day! I know not everyone has a great relationship with his or her father. However, this Father’s Day, I encourage to think about your father and find one thing he gave you as a gift. Some of you will think of many things, others will struggle. Our commandment is to honor our fathers…

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