It’s a common sight–toddlers with tablets…you see them everywhere, even with babies in strollers. But is it a good idea to give babies and toddlers tablet time? We’ve all seen the meltdown when their parents try to take the tablet away. That should be a clue, but is there more going on than just…

We often hear that there are problems associated with being too connected to our technology. Everything from becoming more narcissistic from social media, phones causing sleep problems and less empathy due to our obsession with screens is thought to be related to too much technology. Perhaps you’ve tried a digital detox to lessen your dependence on technology devices. One company decided…

It’s a common sight. People texting and walking. I admit. I get annoyed when I am walking in a big city and someone walks into me because they are texting on their phone. Everything inside of me screams, “Look Up! Pay attention! You are a danger on the street!” But are they? Ahhh, the pros…

Technology is a good thing, but sometimes it can stress you out. For example, your phone is vibrating. Should you look at it, stay in the conversation and ignore it? Do you feel a compulsion to check? Ping! Buzz, Vibrate. I have to look, right? It’s addictive and I’m letting the primitive part of my brain grab that novelty–the never…

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