I pulled a weed the other day. It looked harmless but turned out to be poison ivy. The rash has now spread all over my arms and face. I itch and am in pain and have had to resort to a steroid to get the swelling down. Just a few seconds of touching something harmful…

In the past few weeks, I’ve been commenting on the way television shows handle temptation. Typically, what we see is the power of the temptation and no power to resist. So, from a Christian perspective, what works to overcome temptation? First be encouraged by this scripture which tells us we can overcome temptation with God’s…

My last blog on Grey’s Anatomy ended with the hope that the writer’s would work us through April’s sexual encounter with Jackson. I was particularly hopeful that she would move from feeling as if Jesus hated her for giving in to sexual temptation, to receiving his grace and forgiveness. Just like real life, last week’s…

A recent Gallup poll reported: 80 percent of young unmarried Christians have had sex outside of marriage. Two-thirds of unmarried Christians have been sexual active in the last year. 42 percent of the 18-29 year olds in the 80 percent group are currently in sexual relationships. Yet, despite these statistics, 76 percent of Christians still…

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