Have you ever made a mistake but had trouble admitting it? Marital arts guru, Bruce Lee, once said, “Mistakes are always forgivable, if one has the courage to admit them.” In other words, mistakes will happen, but be smart and learn from them. If you don’t, you will pay for those mistakes. Too many of…

Debbie was tired of feeling disconnected in her church. She tried to befriend people but something was missing. She loved God but her church experience fell flat. What she didn’t know was that a simple move could change her life and  build positive emotions such as trust, love and acceptance. Here is how. Positive emotions…

Infidelity is the cause of many marriage breakups and never has a good ending. It is not harmless as movies and TV shows often portrayed. When I wrote the chapter on Sex and Affection in my book, We Need to Talk, I referenced the infidelity site AshleyMadison.com. Doing the research for the book, I couldn’t…

“Trust” is a word we hear often today. Sadly, this is because we have lost trust in so many people and institutions. But nowhere is trust more important than in our relationships. Without trust, intimacy cannot develop or deepen. While trust is built over time, it can be broken in a moment. When this happens,…

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