IRS scandals, reports of infidelity, misuse of funds, friendship betrayals….they all involve a loss of trust. Trust is foundational to any relationship. It is about having confidence in someone or something, relying on someone and believing what he or she says is true. Trust involves honesty, integrity and justice. It takes a long time to…

He was having an affair. The boss looked him in the eyes and said, “Pretend like this is God sitting and talking to you. Are you having an affair with a co-worker?” He looked her in the eyes and said, “No, I am not.” The problem was it was not April Fools. He was having…

When Lance Armstrong appears on Oprah this week, word is that he admits to doping during his cycling career. What makes his admission so grievous is that he repeatedly denied allegations of doping levied against him for years and went after those who tried to bring out the truth. But my concern is not about…

A few years ago, Connecticut’s Attorney General and US Senate candidate, Richard Blumenthal, was caught lying about his service in Viet Nam. According to reports, this wasn’t the first time he misspoke and allowed the myth of his wartime service to be spread unchecked. Once caught, Blumenthal back peddled, never labeled what he did a…

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