I’ve been leading online e-courses in Active Dreaming  for almost four years, and I am still amazed and delighted by what wonderful fun and discovery we share, especially in the highly interactive forums, which bring together a passionate global community of active dreamers. By following our Lightning Dreamwork protocols, we are able to offer each other feedback in helpful and mutually empowering ways, and gently guide each other to take action to bring the energy and guidance of dreams into everyday life. We share field reports on our latest expeditions into multidimensional reality, and learn to track coincidence and symbolic pop-ups in everyday life as clues to the hidden logic of events.

And we play. I opened posts from a previous forum at random and found the following dream report:

I see Paul McCartney and I approach him. He’s much younger than he is now, shorter than I expect and dressed in a golden/squash-colored velvet-like suit (Sgt. Pepper era) and we embrace and begin to have sex. I’m surprised because there aren’t any body parts touching but we are sure having a good time and I awake and am sexually aroused.

On waking, the dreamer felt “turned on, juiced up, alive”. She noted that she had never  met Paul in waking reality though she was a huge Beatles fan in their heyday.

The report drew a glorious bouquet of comments.

My response: A Jungian would probably tell you that you were making out with the animus, the inner male. Jung wrote in his introductory essay for Man and His Symbols that “making out” with the animus [anima for a man]  is “what I call the masterpiece which not many bring off”.

If it were my dream (and if I were a woman), I would be open to the notion that the dream is both a union with my masculine side and a transpersonal experience in which I dallied with an astral lover who took on a form pleasing to me. The fact that such a juicy encounter could take place without “body parts” touching is a reminder that we know pleasure (and pain) with the inner senses.

I would also think about what from the Sgt. Pepper era I may want to bring back into my life now, maybe some vital soul energy from my younger self.

Registration for the new Dreamwork Interactive e-course and forum, led by Robert Moss and co-moderated by dream teacher Savannah Caitlin, is now open at the Spirituality & Health site. The course starts on August 22 and runs for 8 weeks. Sign up here.

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