Few people sleep today the way most humans did for all of our evolution before the introduction of artificial lighting. For hundreds of thousands of years, humans thought that what the pushers of sleep meds promise – an uninterrupted night of seven or eight hours’ sleep – was an unnatural and undesirable thing. Experiments by…

In Mark Twain’s full and unexpurgated Autobiography he expresses his opinion, with exquisite clarity, on what he would like done to one James Paige: If I had his nuts in a steel trap I would shut out all human succor and watch that trap till he died. And who was the James Paige who brought out this…

The first thing to know about helping  children with their dreams is that adults need to listen up.  This means making a space, a space where you’re not interrupted where you’re not distracted by the phone or other obligations.  For a sufficient time it might just be five or ten minutes to hear the kid’s…

Thoreau journaled all the time. He wrote down his observations of nature, his thoughts and dreams, his notes on his constant reading. Most interesting, he journaled from his journals, picking over old volumes, plucking out promising bits and pieces, copying them out and marrying them up as fresh drafts. It became his habit “to work…

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