Imagine that you can make yourself incredibly small and travel inside the body and repair its cells structure and balance its flows from within.
Imagine you can travel across time and visit a younger self and provide the counsel and mentorship that younger self needed in a time of ordeal.
Imagine you can communicate with your self on a higher level, and get a wiser perspective on all your issues – and return with a road map that will get you where you need to go.
Imagine that you can reduce pain with your mind, and can develop this ability to the point where you can dispense with meds even when undergoing root canal work.
Imagine you can go to a place where you can review your soul’s contract – the set of lessons and tasks you may have agreed to undertake before you came into your present life experience – so you can now remember and complete your true life mission.
Imagine a workplace that is no longer toxic or stressed out because people make space every morning to share dreams and check whether an innovative solution or a fun idea has come to someone in the night.
I have seen all these things accomplished, through the power of imagination.
What we can imagine has a tendency to become real in our bodies and our world.
So let’s imagine peace and healing, and remember the open secret that Rabindranath Tagore expressed, with poetic insight: “The stronger the imagination, the less imaginary the results.”
Adapted from The Three “Only” Things: Tapping the Power of Dreams, Coincidence and Imagination by Robert Moss. Published by New World Library.
Image: Kai Altair in the short film “Dreams of the Last Butterflies“