Having faith can help you maintain a better lifestyle. If you follow what the Scriptures say, then you will naturally do what they require. The Scriptures are full of sound, sensible advice that require love and kindness as its basis.

Your faith will lead you into fulfilling what is asked for. One of these is helping other members of the faith. This is what the Bible calls people of faith to do. You simultaneously help yourself stay connected to the faith.

Health Share Programs

Christian health share programs, as you will find in annualopenenrollment.com, are very straightforward. They are also an excellent example of helping everyone in the Christian community who are in need. You donate a certain amount into the program every month. Annual Open Enrollment is a Christian-based health share provider.

You will discover just how practical it all is by reading all about Health Share Programs and take the advice that is offered. You pay whatever you can afford into the program and contributions are distributed to members of your congregation who require medical attention.

Naturally, you will also receive care when needed. This is a way of not only providing for yourself, but others too. It is what is demanded in the Scriptures.

Leading by example 

By sharing with other people, you learn to lead by example. This is an excellent way of leading a better lifestyle. Your old lifestyle is discarded when you come to faith and your new lifestyle will bear witness to your faith.

If people are looking up to you, they will be expecting to be led by someone with good moral character. You can start by contributing to the health share program and explaining the system to newcomers in the congregation.

The world is watching

The world is keeping a close eye on Christians because they are waiting for them to slip up so they can point a finger at them. Some Christians do portray a negative lifestyle, but they have not truly come to faith. But they do give faith a bad name.

If you have truly come to faith, your lifestyle will be beyond reproach. You will be seen as wanting to help others, and in so doing will be helping yourself. This is spoken about regularly in the Bible.

The call is irresistible 

If you have truly come to faith, you will find that you cannot dismiss the call to faith that is within your heart. Often people will say that you are somehow different, but they can’t put a finger on it. They see you living a different lifestyle to the one you used to lead and when you tell them what’s happened, they will either scoff at you or want to know more.

This is obviously a chance to evangelize and you will grab the opportunity to tell that person about faith. This is why it is so important to lead a lifestyle that cannot be criticized.

Know the Scriptures

When you continuously lead a better lifestyle, you don’t need to dig deep to show love and kindness. It just comes naturally. That is why Christians make an outward display of this by contributing to a health share program.

But if people want to know more, you must be prepared to share the gospel. You can only share if you know the gospel, so search the scriptures every day and make sure you know how to win people for the faith.

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