Mikey Welsh

Mikey Welsh, former bassist for the alternative rock group Weezer, tweeted this message on Sept 26: “dreamt i died in chicago next weekend (heart attack in my sleep). need to write my will today.” He followed up with a message to a friend: “correction — the weekend after next.”

Two weeks after the first tweet, on Saturday October 8, Mikey Welsh was found dead in his hotel room at the Raffaello in Chicago after he failed to check out. He was just 40. He left Weezer in 2001, citing a mental and physical breakdown, and took up painting.

ABC’s Kevin Dolak first noticed the post on Twitter, which has since been removed. Some speculate that the tweet may have been a cry for help. The toxicology report won’t be in for a few weeks, and until it is we can’t know whether Mikey wanted to keep his date with death in Chicago.

The episode offers sad confirmation that we dream the future. But it’s important to realize that the futures we see in dreams are possible futures, and that the odds on manifestation can be changed by how we read the dream information and by the actions we then take or fail to take. I’m not ready to say more about how Mikey met the death he said he dreamed until more facts are known. But certainly some of us might have chosen to see a doctor or correct behaviors or change travel plans in the effort to avoid a heart attack we had dreamed.


For more on the dreams of rock musicians, including John Lennon’s precognitive dream of his own murder, see The Secret History of Dreaming by Robert Moss. Published by New World Library.


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