Dream Gates

Navigating by synchronicity is the dreamer’s way of operating 24/7. We all know what it feels like when the world around us gives us a sign or a symbol. Coincidence is when the universe gets personal. It can feel like a secret handshake, or a wink, or a tickle – or like an unseen hand…

Dreams make us whole. They show us the many aspects of ourselves and help us to bring them under one roof. That is why it is often useful to ask “what part of me” different characters and elements in a dream might represent. Is the shadowy dream attacker an aspect of myself – maybe my…

Our dreams are constantly coaching us for challenges and opportunities that lie ahead of us on the roads of life. It’s possible that we rehearse everything that will take place in the future in our dreams, though we forget most of it. Across human evolution, dreaming has been a vital survival mechanism. In the days…

 What is soul loss? When we suffer trauma or bitter disappointment or violent shock, soul may leave the body, to escape. This produces the phenomenon that psychologists call dissociation and shamans call soul loss. It can be seen as a survival mechanism. When you can’t take any more pain, you go away in order to…

In many cultures, the butterfly is a favorite image for soul. In Greek, the word psyche means both “soul” and “butterfly”. The cycle of the butterfly is a model for a life that is open to transformation. To spread butterfly wings, you must transform again and again. You must let your old identity collapse into…

Why the day of Saint Valentine is associated with romantic love is a mystery. A couple of sainted Valentines, both martyred, are known to the early church but what little is known of them has nothing to do with romance. They are so obscure that the feast of St.Valentine was removed from the General Roman…

This is the day of the High One, the Exalted One. That is the meaning of Brig, from which the name Brigid (also Brigit, Brighid, Brigantia of England and Brigindo of eastern Gaul) derives. The church made the goddess a saint, one of the most beloved saints of Ireland, with various biographies, the best of…

Coincidences are homing beacons. They are secret handshakes from the universe. They are extraordinary sources of guidance and direction. The great psychologist Carl Jung lived by coincidence. and achieved a profound understanding that through the study of coincidence we will come to grasp that there is no real separation between mind and matter at any…

Don’t go back to sleep. People are going back and forth across the threshold where the two worlds touch. The door is round and open Don’t go back to sleep. These wonderful lines from Rumi remind us that the easiest way to become a lucid or conscious dreamer is to spend more time in the twilight…

Does midwinter sometimes feel gray and drab? Do you develop symptoms of cabin fever? Do you get tired of scraping ice off the windshield, and digging your car out of snowbanks? Here’s how to take a two-week vacation at an idyllic  beach resort without spending thousands of dollars and without having to clear airport security.…

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