There’s a new fad for this New Years, and for Common New Years Resolutions — of course, there’s a new diet fad every New Year.  I’m skeptical.

It’s called “Sassy Water,” a part of a new book titled “Flat Belly Diet.”

The premise as I understand it, is to reduce bloating by drinking a lot of “Sassy Water” a special concoction of water, ginger, lemon and cucumber juice.  Also, I hear it’s about limiting calories and fats, eating mostly fruits and vegetables.

I’m going to pass this one up, and stay with the sensible, tried and proven method — a structured food plan that includes a lot of vegetables and fruit, along with a little meat and carbohydrates.  Mostly, though, it’s important to feed yourself regularly so you don’t get ravenously hungry — and to understand what’s motivating overeating and interactivity in the first place!  In other words, I don’t believe in magical, fad, short-term weight loss diets at all.

I believe in redefining “diet” to mean moderate, sensible eating.

Of course, drinking water is a good idea.  Putting a little flavor in it is great, too.  Pretty sassy.

Remember: Check my “Dr. Norris Chumley SATISFIED LIFE” blog daily for weight loss and well being inspiration and tips, and add an RSS feed so you never miss anything!

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