Are you making sure to be active every day? I don’t mean vigorous exercise (although that’s great if you’re in a regular habit you’ve built up to)…I mean at least walking for a minimum of 10 minutes per day. Start your day with a 10 minute walk. Go around the block. See some trees, flowers,…

Comparing yourself to others can backfire.  Be sure to appreciate the good things about yourself, and acknowledge your hardships and efforts, too.  This is an important point.  I’m glad that an anonymous poster commented about this, this week, in response to my blog about face transplant recipient, Connie Culp. “My Mother also used to use…

Do you think fish is boring, tasteless, and unexciting?  I used to think so — but no more. Fish is so healthy I just had to create a way to make it great without making it fattening and unhealthy. The secret is poaching instead of sautéing or frying.  Here is my recipe. Even our teenager…

Are your weight problems affecting your relationship with God? If you look to food for comfort and satisfaction, instead of God, you may be missing an opportunity. If you are isolated, lonely inside your house, avoiding an active and engaged life, you may be avoiding the plans God has for you. If your health isn’t…

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