Florence Serecka wrote a very inspiring comment awhile back, commenting on my blog, “Lose Weight with God.”  It stuck with me, and stayed with me for a month now, and I want to share it with you.  I wanted to publish it sooner, but couldn’t until now.  What Florence wrote fits well with my theme of Saving Money and Losing Weight this month – save money by working-out at home, instead of buying an expensive gym membership.

“For as long as a can remember I hated my arms, years of dieting and weight loss, the sagging arms were my demise.  So I thought until just recently.  I began looking at my blocks from happiness were all do to my low self esteem.  And I always knew that the good LORD made us in his image and I could, by the grace of GOD only work on my arms as well as my self esteem.  I have been doing simple dips now on my kitchen chairs and I wear short sleeves (sometimes) now.  I work up to 50 a day and I see the difference.  Wow!  If we could only see ourselves as GOD sees us.  By the way i am 54 years old.  I look and feel great, and also no more sitting on my rump and waiting for it to go away.  The mind tells the body what to do, not the other way around.  GOD bless you all in your struggles.  May they be LITE ONES.”

God bless YOU Florence, and everyone here, and in the effort to find God and receive His help in being healthy and happy.

Take me with you all day!  Follow drnorrischumley on Twitter.com
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