I was totally shocked at a hotel breakfast bar last weekend.  More than half the customers were morbidly obese, and having plate-after-plate of food.  One couple who could barely fit into their seats was particularly sad: the man had four giant plates of food, and the woman had three.  I realize it’s addictive behavior, and the couple just couldn’t help hurting themselves with so much food.

I say it was sad because these people were visibly unhappy.  They had so much extra fat on their bodies they had trouble moving and breathing.  They were sweating, they were huffing and puffing, they barely fit into their extra-large clothes.  Neither of them smiled.  They just kept stuffing food into their mouths as fast as they could.  It was painful to watch them, and it looked painful for them to eat so uncontrollably.

Yes, I was there too, having a very unhealthy breakfast of eggs, bacon, sausage, and fried potatoes.  I knew it wasn’t a healthy way to go, but oh the flavor!  I love fatty meats, ketchup on potatoes, and delicious muffins, and I allow myself a little every once-in-awhile.  The difference, however, between me and that room full of full-sized people, was this:  I used to be one of them, a morbidly obese, unhappy person killing myself with excess “treats.”  No more.  God has saved my life and given me the ability to refrain from compulsive overeating.

I only had one spoonful of eggs, only two strips of bacon, and one sausage.  One serving spoon of potatoes was enough.  One small bran muffin did the trick.  While I was at the buffet line, I was praying for God’s help to keep my portions small.  I was doing my best to remember my food plan, and stay with it.  Later that day, I had only vegetables for a meal, keeping the total number of proteins and carbs within my limits for the day, thank God.

More on this tomorrow…  please come back!

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