Coming up soon in the US is our Independence Day, otherwise known as the 4th of July.  I know that there are lots of readers in other countries, who also celebrate Independence Day at various times, for various independences and hard-won freedom.  So please feel free to think of this as a worldwide day of independence from the tyranny of poor-health habits!

Traditionally, the US 4th of July celebrations are about food and fireworks.  I recommend both! With caution, of course.

As for food, if you’re trying to lose weight or maintain your weight, try to have fresh foods that are healthier with less fasts and sugars.  Here’s a menu suggestion:

Grill meats such as chicken and fish, with homemade barbecue sauce made without a lot of sugar or fat, added the last 15 minutes of barbequing.  Boil-down in a small pan: tomato paste, balsamic vinegar, steak or Worchester sauce, chopped onions, until it’s a thick sauce.

Make tossed salad of raw vegetables: several kinds of lettuces, carrots, cucumber, radishes, peppers (mild and spicy), and add several sprigs of fresh basil and parsley.  Add a fruit, such as orange slices, apples, or pears.  Add some nuts: walnuts, hazelnuts, or chopped almonds.

Roast potatoes over a grill, instead of frying. Add rosemary.

Have fruit salad for dessert, instead of pies, cookies or cakes.

Drink iced tea, with very little sweetener (use a little sugar, it’s not the culprit of obesity at only 14 calories a teaspoon, and avoid chemical “diet” sweeteners).  Or water, with some lemon or lime juice squeezed in.

Happy celebrations of independence from bad habits and overeating.

Also, I’m writing tons of tips and inspiration for you daily on Twitter, let’s hook up!

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