Another reader’s inquiry.

What do you do if small portions don’t fill you up?

I recommend eating six small meals throughout the day: one serving (USDA Food Guide Pyramid size) of grains, protein (meat or dairy), and a fruit or vegetable. This means eating every 3-4 hours. When you do that, you’re rarely hungry. Be sure to drink a tall glass of water before you start every meal. 

Also, wait 20 minutes after the meal for your stomach to signal your brain that you’re full. If you are still ravenous and must have seconds–have more vegetables or fruit. One more truth: it takes at least a month for your body and soul to adjust to this new conscious, healthy eating lifestyle. 

Don’t forget you are building a new relationship with eating, and your body. So be patient. And don’t forget to ask for help. Call a friend who is joining you in developing new, healthy lifestyle habits. Or call on your Higher Power (God, Nature, Spirit as you feel comfortable).

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