Yes, I’m not feeling well again today, and admittedly a bit cranky, but gosh, I’m watching the morning news right now as I write, and I’m not only upset, I’m really worried.

This situation in Japan, with the four nuclear reactors is appalling. There’s a possible breach of the containment vessel, with “mox fuel” a combination of uranium and plutonium. It’s so highly radioactive, it could render parts of Japan uninhabitable for years, if not forever. It may be exposing people to tens of thousands of levels of radiation, that will cause cancer or radiation poisoning. Gosh, if we didn’t allow such dangerous forms of electric power generation, we would never had had these dire catastropies. And Gosh, why must we use so much electricity to begin with? Are we drunk with power?

There’s also news of a super bacteria found in California hospitals. The kind that has no antibiotic that works against it. We’ve already been dealing with MERSA in many hospitals, that is a killer, and there’s no real surefire antibiotic for it. I’m on an antibiotic right now myself, for an infection. I sure wish I hadn’t been prescribed them for every little cold I had when I was a child. May be I could have the immunity to get over it myself, without them. May be that antibiotic soap I’ve used for years has contributed to resistance to bacteria, and the formation of superbugs.

It’s high time we stop such flagrant consumption of electricity. It’s estimated by some experts that if Japan used just 30% less, they wouldn’t need nuclear power at all! Let’s develop and fund safer energy, too, such as wind and solar.

It’s time we get healthier, and take better care of ourselves. Like eating better, less stress and tension, getting exercise. Yeah, I need to continually remind myself, too. I’m not so innocent when it comes to high stress, overwork, and less-than-healthy food on the run.

What can YOU do to help the world and yourself? Please comment below.


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