Saint John of the Ladder was born in Syria and entered the monastery at the age of sixteen. After the death of his spiritual father, Martyrius John, the saint withdrew to a hermitage, where he lived for some twenty years, studying the lives of the saints. When he was seventy-five, the monks of Sinai persuaded him return to serve as their abbot. Four years later he resigned his charge and returned to his hermitage to prepare for death. His Ladder of Divine Ascent is beloved as a vision of the human struggle to partake of God’s unending Life.
By its very nature, prayer
avails both our conversation
and our union with the God.
Its sure effect is (notice now!) to hold
the world together. Prayer
is both the mother and the daughter
of our tears, and occasions expiation of all sin. It is a bridge
across temptation and a wall
against affliction, both a future
joy and present act, endlessly
opening to a flood of graces.
From Love’s Immensity: Mystics on the Endless Life by Scott Cairns. Available here. Thank you, Dr. Cairns, for sharing this with us.