Since it’s spring, time to barbecue, I say!  Here’s a menu that is terrifically delicious, and better for us.

Dr. Norris Chumley’s Spring Barbecue Cookout Menu

Turkey Burgers

Whole Wheat Buns

Grilled vegetables

Roasted Fingerling Potatoes

Spring Salad

Prepare the coals, and get them white-hot.  In the meantime, slice onion, green peppers, and tomatoes.  Wrap in aluminum foil and add a dash of olive oil, oregano, thyme and basil leaves.  Toss a salad of spring mesclin greens, tomatoes, peppers, olives and carrots.  Wash the potatoes and place them in another foil bag, spinkle with thyme and a dash of salt and pepper.

Put the potatoes on the grill, on the side, not above the coals.  Let them cook about 5-8 minutes, then add the bagged vegetables, and let them cook 5 minutes, then add the turkey burgers onto the coals.  Sear the outsides, then move them to the side and cover.  Put a lid on the grill, and let the whole shebang roast for another 5-10 minutes, until everything’s done.

Use the grilled vegetables on top of the turkey burgers.  Serve with mint flavored ice tea or lemonade, using Stevia, not sugar, and fresh lemons.

Please share YOUR ideas for a spring barbecue — the healthier the better.  Comment below, and make my day!

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