Today is the last day of this column on  After over 12 years of daily writings on Beliefnet, I’m moving on.  I thank God for this wonderful experience.  As far as I’ve been told, I’m the last original Beliefnet contributing editor and writer; everyone else is new.  Now, however, I need to make some changes.  It is now time for me to move on.

I’ve written over 3,000 newsletters and blog posts!  My faithful readers have commented almost 6,700 times just since October of 2008, when we began hosting comments.  There have been over a million subscribers on average, with many millions visiting over the years.

Honestly, I’m leaving Beliefnet but I’m not leaving you.  I have several websites, and the one that’s at the forefront of my current work is which has a newsletter and regular features (click the link to sign up now, please).  I hope to see you there.  I’m leaving Beliefnet to concentrate more on making movies, writing books, and executive producing/hosting a new national radio series in conjunction with Columbia University (details at  I’ll also continue writing for the Huffington Post, giving public talks and conducting workshops when time allows.

I want to thank you from top of my soul and the bottom of my heart for being with me, whether reading “Spiritual Weight Loss with Dr. Norris” and/or “Dr. Norris Chumley Satisfied Life” for the first time today, or over the last 12+ years.  YOU are who I wrote this for.  YOU are wonderful.

I also want to thank my friends and colleagues at, too many to mention everyone, but I must thank founders Steven Waldman and Bob Nylen, with help from T George Harris, and my wonderful, brilliant Editor and friend, Elizabeth Sams.  Also Mark Tauber, Anne Simpkinson, Wendy Schuman, Holly Lebowitz Rossi, Sujay Jahveri, Becky Phillips, Deborah Caldwell, Alana Kornfeld, Paul Raushenbush, Michael Kress, Qiana Mestrich, Sherry Huang, and Adam Arif have all been so helpful over the years.  More recently, Ju-Don Roberts, Beth-Ann Eason, Laurie Sue Brockway, Corinne Gatti, Lakesha Gadson, Ash Greyson and Steve Halliday have gone out-of-their-way to assist me in this endeavor.

Please sign up now on my “Mysteries of the Jesus Prayer” mailing list for more articles about God, Jesus Christ, prayer, meditation and “Dr. Norris Chumley Satisfied Life.”  Just click here.

I will remember you in my prayers, and I ask that you remember me in your prayers, too.  God bless you, and thanks again.

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