Here’s a simple recipe that is easy, inexpensive if not cheap, delicious, and very healthy.  We have it all the time at our house.  It’s one of those “one-pot” recipes.

Dr. Norris J. Chumley’s Roast Chicken and Vegetables
Serves 3-4

1 whole chicken, for oven roasting (approx. 4 pounds)
5 carrots, peeled
5 stalks celery
4 potatoes
5 parsnips
1 medium onion
1 lemon
bay leaves, rosemary, thyme, pepper

Preheat the oven to 350.

Place the whole chicken in a roasting or baking pan, that has a lid.  Be sure to remove any parts that have been stuffed in the chicken.  Rub it with the juice of the lemon, and pepper it as you like.  Add a few bay leaves.

Wash and slice the vegetables and cut into 1-inch pieces.  Add to the roasting pan.

Add ¾ cup water, cover, place in oven and cook for approximately 1 hour, until the chicken’s breast and thigh meat (the thickest parts) reach 165 degrees or more on a thermometer.  If you do not have one, slice a test slice and see that it is white, and no red or blood is present.  Every 20 minutes, baste the chicken with the pan juices.  About 45 minutes into the cooking, sprinkle the herbs over the chicken and vegetables.  I like to add herbs at the end of cooking – that way the delicate flavors are best, and they are not so cooked-out.

Once the chicken is thoroughly done, let it rest in the pan, covered, for about 10 minutes before slicing and serving.  Remove bay leaves and discard before serving.

Please let us know how you like this recipe.  Also, we’d love to hear some of your favorite recipes and variations.

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