There is a new study linking added sugar to increased risk of heart disease.  It’s in the current issue of JAMA, the Journal of the American Medical Association.  Entitled “Caloric Sweetener Consumption and Dyslipidemia Among US Adults” it is by Jean A. Welsh, MPH, RN; Andrea Sharma, PhD, MPH; Jerome L. Abramson, PhD; Viola Vaccarino, MD, PhD; Cathleen Gillespie, MS; Miriam B. Vos, MD, MSPH.

To summarize, the study found that consuming increased amounts of added sugar, especially in processed food, is linked to “lower high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) levels, higher triglyceride levels, and higher low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) levels.”  This is the situation that has been identified as high or higher risk for CHD, coronary heart disease.  Not to mention an increased risk for obesity.

We have seen a gigantic increase in the addition of sugar, from sugar cane, beets, or high-fructose corn syrup.  Food manufacturers have trained us to get addicted to these sugars; we think food tastes better when it is sweet.  It’s frightening to me to see how many foods have added sugar.  It’s in almost everything that’s boxed, wrapped or manufactured.

Also, studies have shown that once addicted to high amounts of sugar (and fats) our brains actually get rewired to constantly crave it.

Please, please do yourself, your family and friends a favor and go “cold-turkey” on sugar.  Do your very best to stop eating it.  It’s doing you no good, other than a momentary surge in flavor (that you can get elsewhere), and is proven to cause harm.  Sure, sugar also boosts your energy for a moment – but think about it —  is a moment of energy or sweet flavor worth a resultant low energy backlash, and harming your heart, and shortening your life?

Here are some articles worth taking a look at, to help you wean off sugars:

A Recipe for Sugar-Free Pie

A Recipe for Baked Apples

A Recipe for Sugar-Free Smoothies

Weight Management (without sugars)

Sugar Isn’t so Sweet

What’s YOUR experience with sugar?   Are you addicted?  What’s your method for avoiding it?  Are you a sugar-addict with LDL, HDL and triglycerides problems?  PLEASE POST A COMMENT, and share this with your friends ASAP!

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